Here is a code snippet which allows nicely formatted multilingual dates
* Generate some nicely formatted dates depending on the current lang
function MYMODULE_format_date($timestamp, $lang = NULL) {
if (!$lang) {
global $language;
$lang = $language->language;
$extra = '';
switch ($lang) {
case 'fr':
if (date('j', $timestamp) == 1) {
$extra = 'er';
return drupal_strtolower(format_date($timestamp, 'custom', 'j') . $extra . ' ' . t(format_date($timestamp, 'custom', 'F Y'), array(), array('context' => 'admin')));
if (date('j', $timestamp) == 1) {
$extra = 'st';
return format_date($timestamp, 'custom', 'F j', NULL, $lang) . $extra . ', ' . format_date($timestamp, 'custom', 'Y');
The above goes in your module, and what follows goes in your template.php in your theme.
* Implement theme hook suggestion date_display_single().
function MYTHEME_date_display_single($variables) {
$date = $variables['date'];
$timezone = $variables['timezone'];
$datetime = '';
if (isset($variables['dates']['value']['db']['datetime']) && function_exists('MYMODULE_format_date')) {
$timestamp = strtotime($variables['dates']['value']['db']['datetime']);
$date = MYMODULE_format_date($timestamp);
$datetime = ' datetime="' . format_date($timestamp, 'custom', 'Y-m-d') . '"';
// Wrap the result with the attributes.
return '<time' . $datetime . '>' . $date . $timezone . '</time>';